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Preschool to Grade 1: Fairy Theme

Geometric Jewels

  1. Explore how basic shapes can be combined to create jewels.

  2. Design your jewels by using different tints and shades of various colours.

  3. Summarize the number of each type of shape used in a bar graph.

  4. Create your own jewel!


Activity Handout

Nature Fairies

  1. Go on a walk to find various items from nature that could be used to create your own fairy!

  2. Discuss the concept of symmetry. What aspects of your fairy are symmetrical? Which are not?

2D Shapes Word Search

  1. Find each word in the word search.

  2. Draw an example of each in the space provided. (Younger students may need help reading, identifying and describing the shapes.)

  3. Discuss what makes shapes geometric.


Activity Handout

Nature Fairies
Nature Fairies.png
Bar Graph.png
Word Search
Word Search.png

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